- Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Management Consulting – Royal Roads University
- Provincial Instructor Diploma
- Train-the-trainer certified
- Organizational Management Consulting Project (OMP) Former Advisor for Graduate Learners in the Royal Roads University MBA Program
- Osgoode Certificate in Entertainment Law York University
- Creative Industries Trade Accelerator Program World Trade Centre Vancouver
- Women in the Director’s Chair Story + Leadership Program
- Women in the Director’s Chair Career Advancement Module
- BCRPA certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness & Older Adult Fitness Leader
- TheMethod® Pilates matwork and standing Pilates
- Selected fitness certifications and continuing education
- Motivating People to Become Physically Active
- BOSU Integrated Balance Training certification
- Golf Conditioning Specialist
- Pilates for Post Rehabilitation & Gait Analysis
- Fusion Fitness
- Sport Strength & Movement Specialist
- Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training workshop Julie Gudmestad
- Tapping the Healer Within
- Served as an appointed member of the BC Recreation & Parks Association Fitness Advisory Committee
- Raised $10,000 for arthritis + completing the Honolulu Marathon + Jamaica Reggae Half Marathon with The Arthritis Society JIM Training Team
- Nominated as a Vancouver Parks Board Active Champion
- Contributions to IDEA Fitness & Chatelaine Magazine